Established in 2014 by the Educational Society, Agra.

St. Clare' s School - Unit II

Vision & Goals:-

  • Academic excellence is appropriate but only within the larger context of human excellence, the fullest possible development of every dimension of the person, linked to the development of a sense of values and a commitment to the service of others.
  • The whole educational process is seen as a way leading to an anticipated experience here and now of the new society we would reconstruct.

Regarding option for the poor:-

  • The poor form the context of education, our primary concern, no matter who are actually admitted in the school. Every aspect of the educational endeavor must be seen from their point of view.
  • The institution as such functions. as a protest force, challenging the prevailing values and attitudes of our unjust and exploitative system, such as a selfish individuals, unbridled competition, acquisitiveness, and other expressions of consumerism, (eg. Counter-witness to the values of the consumer society requires institutional and personal austerity, not allowing the kinds of lavish celebrations, excursion etc. which are out of tune with the reality of the poverty that surrounds us; not buying expensive equipment or furniture that is not really necessary etc.) – as a creative force, fostering the values and attempting in any way possible to bring about the structures of the new society within itself and in the neighbourhood.
  • The integral education aimed at by the school includes intellectual as well as emotional, social, moral and spiritual formation.