Established in 2014 by the Educational Society, Agra.

St. Clare' s School - Unit II

About St.Clare's:-

  1. An academic community characterized by a shared vision shared responsibility and mutual love.
  2. Community to integral education of all students.
  3. For a just and humane society.
  4. In loyalty to its specific mission.

An Academic Community:-

  1. All members of the school community especially the teaching staff, endeavour to have a common vision of education and of its goals. They meet periodically to reflect upon and discuss them as a group.
  2. The atmosphere of the school is one in which all can live and work together in understanding and love, with respect for all men and women, as children of God.
  3. School policies and practices reflect accepted vision and goals of the schools.
  4. Programmes are organized for the personal, spiritual and professional growth of the staff.
  5. Community spirit is fostered by occasional religious and social celebration.
  6. All members of the school community are concerned with one another and learn from one another. Personal concern extends to parents, to the student within his or her family and to former students.
  7. The Management pays adquate attention to the economics and other material needs of the staff.
  8. Service conditions of the staff and school regulations are clear, judicious and humane.
  9. The style of administration upholds the principles of subsidiary and partnership.
  10. All members are involved in the setting of goals, in the making of decisions related to themselves and in the evaulation of performance and achievement.
  11. Periodic assessment of school policies and practices is carried out with the participants of all members of the school community.

Committed to Integral Education of all Students:-

  1. There is a judicious adaptation of the syllabus and teaching methods for the benefit of the students.
  2. Students are taught methods of learning adapted to their individual differences.
  3. Individual students have opportunities to get counselling in academic and personal matters.
  4. In learning a subject, students not only gather knowledge but are tuned a contemplate, to reason and to reflect rather than mere passive reception.
  5. Students are helped to attain realistic knowledge, love and acceptance of self, while being challenged to realize their fullest potential by overcoming sin and all other obstacles to growth. They compete against their own selves, rather than against others.
  6. Opportunities are provided to all students to develop their imagination, creativity, affectivity, aesthetic sense and communication skills.
  7. While balanced physical growth is facilitated by an adquate physical education programme, sports and games foster values of collaboration and 'sporting spirit.'
  8. Religious and spiritual formation is integral to education, it is not added to, or separated from, the educational process.
  9. There is a religious instruction programme to impart religious and ethical knowledge appropriate to the particular age of students.
  10. The religious education program includes experiences of prayer and worship, and opportunities to reflect upon life experiences from a spiritual perspective.

For a Just and Humane Society:-

  1. The policies, programmes and structures in the school give counter-witness to the materialistic, consumer and unjust values in society and foster values and anticipate an experience of the new society we would create.
  2. Teachers are critically aware of values implied in the curriculum as well as in the practices and structures of society, especially mass media, and help students, according to their age, to be equally aware of them.
  3. A realistic knowledge of society, with its opportunities for human development as well as of social evil, is gradually imparted to students in various courses with a "call to secure a total improvement."
  4. Under certain conditions students have opportunities for guided contact with the poor and for service to them. This contact is always joined to reflection.
  5. Respect for and appreciation of every individual, experience of sharing and of service and habit of reconciliation (forgiveness) are consistently promoted in the school.
  6. The school is concerned with the ways, in which students will make use of their formation within the human community, in the service of others.
  7. The poor and the underprivileged in the country are always the focus of all educational policies. The question of how these policies are to benefit them in the long run is of great importance.
  8. On special occasions, the school intervenes actively, as an institution, in human and civil rights issues at the local and wider levels.
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