St. Clare' s School - Unit II
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About Us
The year 2014 is a momentous and significant landmark in the journey of St. Clare's School, Agra. We aim at training our students to be not only intellectually competent but also caring and compassionate human beings, who will make a positive contribution to the society. To achieve our aim, we look forward to your co-operation and co-ordination, so that we can help him/her to bloom into a truly educated citizen. We, therefore, request you to keep in close contact with your son's/ daughter's progress by going through his/her handbook as often as possible. For the proper growth and development of your ward, it is essential that we work together.Architectural Tour
Take A Quick Building Tour.
Mandatory Public Disclosure
Some Public Documents.
Our Facilities

At St. Clare' s School we provide well-managed library for our students.

Music Room
At St. Clare' s School Music and Dance take high priority as a creative medium of human expressions.

Audio Visual Studio
Interactive learning sessions are held in the audio visual room which is well equipped with a LCD Projector and a large screen.

Well Secure Campus
At St. Clare' s School we provide well-equipped and well secure campus for our students, including the SMS awareness programme system by student care facility.

Computer Lab
At St. Clare' s School digital exploration take high priority as a creative medium of human expressions.

Sports Facility
At St. Clare' s School sports take high priority as a creative medium of human expressions.

The acoustical design of an auditorium is different than that of any other high school.

Minimal Homework Policy
At St. Clare' s School we provide well-equipped Composite lab for Science practicals
Why St. Clare' s
Principal's Message
Fr. Roshan D’Silva
Dear parents, teachers and students; I feel honored and privileged to be the principal of St. Clare’s School, Unit II. In its short span of time, it has gained a name and fame in and around the city of Agra. St. Clare’s School, Unit II is an upcoming school, highly progressive and pledge to provide quality education. Read more
Manager's Message
Fr. Paul Thanickal
Dear Parents,
It gives me an immense pleasure to introduce you to St. Clare's School and the wide range of educational opportunities offered both through the curriculum and the rich variety of extracurricular activities available. St. Clare's School, a highly progressive school pledged to provide quality education with great emphasis on traditional values. Besides academic excellence the school is committed to inculcate in all its students, strong ethical values of integrity, politeness, kindness and respect for elders with focus on theatre, dramatics, music and dance at the same time.
Every student should be regarded as a valuable person, whose mind, body and spirit needs nurturing, within a loving and caring environment. St. Clare's School provides such an environment that would bring focus and direction to the lives of students and prepare them for the future.
The school with an enthusiastic, experience and highly qualified teaching staff along with excellent infrastructure facility provides the holistic atmosphere for the child to develop into the capable young wizards of today.
We believe that the teachers and parents should work in concord and euphony to nurture and nourish the young minds well, so that they not only homogenize well in the society, but become great leaders of tomorrow.