Established in 2014 by the Educational Society, Agra.
St. Clare' s School - Unit II
A Brief History :-
St. Clare's School, Unit II managed and administered by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Agra Education Society, is a minority Christian educational institution. It was established in 2014 by the Most. Rev. Dr. Albert D' Souza, the Arch Bishop of Agra. Rev. Fr. Philip Correia founder Principal was ably aided and supported by Rev. Sisters Valsa, Sophia and Marina the pioneer members of the Helpers of Mary Congregation. Many hands and heads have pooled in the Strength and wisdom needed for the success of St. Clare's School. Special mention has to be made of Reverend Fathers Late Joe Vadakkekara, Paul Thanickal and Dennis D' Souza for their untiring and creative efforts in guiding the growth of St. Clare's School, Unit II. The services rendered and being rendered by the Helpers of Mary deserves our sincere gratitude.
This brief history would be incomplete without a grateful remembrance of all those who have played a role in making this St. Clare Family what it is today: the past teachers, parents, friends, well wishers, benefactors, and so on. An institution of this magnitude and status cannot stand head above shoulders of the rest without the good will and support of the people of the place. We are also indebted to the management for its timely assistance and guidance. The present staff, students and the ministerial community leave no stone unturned to keep the flag of St. Clare's School fluttering.
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