Established in 2014 by the Educational Society, Agra.

St. Clare' s School - Unit II

Fee Structure.


1. A student who fails, will forfeit, for the ensuing years, any concession in the fees, and may even be advised to leave the school, particularly if his / her conduct has not been satisfactory in the school.

2. Parents will kindly keep the receipts issued to them and produce them as proof of payment is needed.

3. Fees must be paid for the months during which the pupil's name has been carried on the register even if the pupil has been absent during these months.

4. Term fees must be paid in full even if the pupils leaves before the term is over.

5. The fees may be paid in advance for the whole year or term. If not paid in advance, fees have to be paid as follows:

a. Fees to be paid between 10th and 20th of each month from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

b. All fees to be paid in Cash only at the Extension Counter at Canara Bank, Kaulakha, Agra.

6. The fees for the vacation months will be realized in advance (that is for June in May).

7. No reduction of fees is made on account of mid-summer and winter holidays, other vacations or temporary absence.

8. The children whose school fees fall into arrears are liable to be debarred from the terminal tests and attending school till the fees are paid. Neither the Reports nor the Transfer Certificate will be issued till all accounts are fully settled.

9. In case where two or more brothers / sisters come from the same family, full fees will be charged for each.

10. Deserving cases will be considered for concession of fees and the sole criterion will be the economic condition of the parents concerned. All fee concession will be withdrawn if the pupils do not satisfy the school authorities by regular attendance, good conduct and satisfactory progress in studies.

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