Established in 2014 by the Educational Society, Agra.

St. Clare' s School - Unit II

Rules & Regulations:-

  1. Although Catholic Schools are meant primarily for Catholics, other children irrespective of caste and creed may also be admitted.
  2. Strict regularity, implicit obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and person are expected from every pupil. Pupils must strictly conform to the regulations laid down in this regard.
  3. The pupils are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported objectionable conduct out of the school on the part of pupils will make them liable for disciplinary action.
  4. Students whose parents do not comply to school rules, regulations and policy and whose activities result in the defamation of the school or any of its personnel, there of, are liable to be expelled from the school.
  1. The wearing of proper school uniform is mandatory. Violation of this rule is a sufficient reason for the expulsion of a student from the school. No student will be allowed in the school premises without the prescribed uniform.
  2. No electronic gadgets, books, newspapers or periodicals should be brought to the school without prior permission.
  3. No collection for any purpose, whatsoever, is to be made without the prior permission of the Principal.
  4. Gifts to the members of the staff or other expressions in their honour are not allowed, except with the permission of the Principal.
  5. The date of birth of a student once entered will not be changed. The parent/guardian will have to sign an undertaking to this effect as per Circular of Inspector of Schools.
  6. Children must speak in English in the school campus.
  7. All pupils must possess a copy of the Student's Diary which is to be brought to school on all working days.
  8. Late-comers and absentees from school will not be admitted to class without a written application duly signed by the parents and Principal.
  9. Students are liable to be sent home in the absence of a written explanation from the parents or guardians for being late.The enthusiasm of summer ignites every dream and hope.
  10. No leave of absence is granted except on written application from parents, and that too only for genuine reasons. The school accepts no responsibility if a child is obliged to return home during school hours for non-compliance of any of the rules contained in this diary. Mere sending of an application is not sufficient: the sanction of leave must be obtained.
  11. The pupils are not allowed to visit the Staff Room.